Fasting and Cancer Prevention and Management
9 February 2023
Fasting and Oncology: Here is what a Nutritionist thinks Humans have been fasting since the beginning of time, whether due to food scarcity, religious reasons, or for weight loss or vanity purpose...
Taking care of yourself... as the carer
14 December 2022
Looking after a loved one who is unwell can take its toll on the carer. Sometimes the pressure can build up to a point where the carer is no longer able to cope, or reaches a stage of burnout. Self...
Cancer and Women’s Sexuality: Here’s what an acupuncturist wants you to know
28 November 2022
Let’s start off by clearing the air here. You have NO obligation, to anyone, to fit into any societal standards or expectations of sexuality – whatever those may be. There are no s...
Why is Vitamin D important during winter?
14 July 2021
With the days getting longer and the sun finally peeping through the clouds, we start to remember one of the most important vitamins that our body needs to stay healthy, especially during winter....
A Mediterranean or Ketogenic approach to Breast Cancer: Which diet is best?
23 June 2021
Diet is often one of the first things breast cancer patients look to improve to support their recovery and help protect them from recurrence.  In this blog piece we take a closer look at ...
Lets Talk about Poo!
13 May 2021
Ok, lets talk about poo!  It might not be the most comfortable of topics, but it's actually a vital part of your own gut health and a window into your digestive system.  If you...

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Breathing New Life: Exploring the Wellness Benefits of Mild Hyperbaric Oxygen Therapy

Posted by Tanya Wells on 12 April 2024
Breathing New Life: Exploring the Wellness Benefits of Mild Hyperbaric Oxygen Therapy
Along the path to holistic well-being, there are several innovative therapies that support health and quality of life...
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Having MIOG explain things in simple language and in a holistic way empowered me to ask better questions and to understand what specialists were saying. Forever grateful.


- Heather
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10 ways integrative medicine can reduce cancer treatment side effects
10 ways integrative medicine can reduce cancer treatment side effects

MIOG offers evidence-based Complementary Medicines to patients with cancer: before, during and after medical treatment. MIOG staff are not Medical Oncologists. MIOG recommends that patients with cancer consult a Medical Oncologist for appropriate support.