Posted in Periodic Fasting
Fasting and Cancer Prevention and Management
Posted by Vivian Klaver
on 9 February 2023
Fasting and Oncology: Here is what a Nutritionist thinks
Humans have been fasting since the beginning of time, whether due to food scarcity, religious reasons, or for weight loss or vanity purposes.
Historically, as hunter gatherers, alternating periods of feast and famine was simply the way of life. With industrialisation and increased grain farming and processing came a reliance on highly processed convenience foods to feed an ever growing and busy population. These days we even have 24ho...
Intermittent Fasting in Cancer
Posted by Tanya Wells
on 31 January 2019
Intermittent fasting is the new buzz word in oncology care but which type is best? How do you do it? When? For how long? And what are the benefits?
OK, let's start with a few definitions to set the scene...
Caloric restriction (CR) is the daily reduction of dietary energy intake by approximately 30% without fasting periods.
Intermittent fasting (IF) encompasses eating patterns in which individuals have extended time periods (e.g., 13-48h) with little or no energy intake, wi...