Jane Fletcher
Health Psychologist

Jane is a Health Psychologist and the Director of the Melbourne Psycho-oncology Service with over 15 years experience working with patients with cancer. She offers evidence based intervention to individuals, couples and families at all stages of the cancer experience from diagnosis to bereavement. Jane has extensive experience using cognitive-behavioural therapy, acceptance and commitment therapy, a range of existential approaches and mindfulness based interventions. She is qualified in medical hypnosis and uses this for the treatment of cancer related sleep disorders, and phobic and conditioned responses.
Jane has a special interest in sexuality and is experienced in a range of specific interventions for the psycho-sexual issues associated with a cancer diagnosis. Special interests include breast, gynaecological, prostate, bowel, lung and haematological cancers. Jane is passionate about offering care to those diagnosed with less common cancers. She also works with those who have tested gene positive for cancer who may require prophylactic surgical intervention. Jane speaks widely, both locally and internationally, to peers and those living with a cancer diagnosis and hold adjunct appointments with Monash University and the Szalmuk Family Psycho-oncology Unit.
Memberships and Presentations
Jane Fletcher speaks widely, both locally and internationally, to peers and those living with a cancer diagnosis and hold adjunct appointments with Monash University and the Szalmuk Family Psycho-oncology Unit.