Posted in Sedentary
Exercise Physiology for Patients with Cancer
on 14 May 2019
Should patients with cancer exercise?
Historically patients with cancer were advised to rest, however these days we know better! Physical activity and targeted exercise are beneficial for cancer prevention, recovery and survival, and should be a part of every cancer management program.
The Department of Health and Human Services, the Americal College of Sports Medicine, and the specialist journal Oncology all have published multiple studies and review articles confirming...
Tackling Obesity to Reduce Risk for Cancer
Posted by Tanya Wells
on 7 February 2019
Millennials, I'm talking to you!
Monday was World Cancer Day, and the media releases that I saw on that day were very interesting as they were all about a healthy and preventative lifestyle! Even the Sydney Morning Herald led with the headline "Exercise and healthy diet key to reducing cancer rates, research shows"
Two of the biggest risk factors that lead to increased risk of cancer incidence and recurrence is the combination of obesity and sede...