Posted in Obesity

Dietary approaches in cancer

Posted by Vivian Klaver on 30 January 2020
Dietary approaches in cancer
Vegan, paleo, keto, low carb, mediterranean, intermittent fasting..... 
There are so many buzz words when it comes to diet these days, and most people are left confused and frustrated, not knowing what to put into their bodies. Particulary when managing or preventing cancer, diet and nutrition are incredibly important. Unfortunately, "dietary trends" don't take into account the individual needs of a person, their health status, and physical and emotional coping abilit...

Exercise Physiology for Patients with Cancer

Posted on 14 May 2019
Exercise Physiology for Patients with Cancer
  Should patients with cancer exercise? Historically patients with cancer were advised to rest, however these days we know better! Physical activity and targeted exercise are beneficial for cancer prevention, recovery and survival, and should be a part of every cancer management program. The Department of Health and Human Services, the Americal College of Sports Medicine, and the specialist journal Oncology all have published multiple studies and review articles confirming...

The Facts About Fats and Heart Health

Posted by Dr Shala Rasouli on 20 February 2019
The Facts About Fats and Heart Health
For a long time a low fat diet has been proposed as a key to losing weight, managing cholesterol and preventing health problems. However, the types of fat we eat matter more than the amount of fat. In other words: not all fats are bad. In fact, fats are an essential part of a balanced diet. And whilst it is important to minimize the intake of unhealthy fats, it is equally as important to increase the intake of the healthier fats. Why were we told to eat low fat? The most discussed ...

Tackling Obesity to Reduce Risk for Cancer

Posted by Tanya Wells on 7 February 2019
Tackling Obesity to Reduce Risk for Cancer
  Millennials, I'm talking to you! Monday was World Cancer Day, and the media releases that I saw on that day were very interesting as they were all about a healthy and preventative lifestyle! Even the Sydney Morning Herald led with the headline "Exercise and healthy diet key to reducing cancer rates, research shows"   Two of the biggest risk factors that lead to increased risk of cancer incidence and recurrence is the combination of obesity and sede...

Intermittent Fasting in Cancer

Posted by Tanya Wells on 31 January 2019
Intermittent Fasting in Cancer
Intermittent fasting is the new buzz word in oncology care but which type is best? How do you do it? When? For how long? And what are the benefits? OK, let's start with a few definitions to set the scene... Caloric restriction (CR) is the daily reduction of dietary energy intake by approximately 30% without fasting periods. Intermittent fasting (IF) encompasses eating patterns in which individuals have extended time periods (e.g., 13-48h) with little or no energy intake, wi...

Latest News

Pneumatic Compression Therapy for Lymphoedema: An Effective and Essential Treatment

Posted by Remi Odisho on 30 August 2024
Pneumatic Compression Therapy for Lymphoedema: An Effective and Essential Treatment
Lymphoedema is a chronic condition that affects millions of people worldwide, particularly those who have undergone c...
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"Professional but also made me feel so welcome. It was tough being diagnosed with cancer at only 21 but she really made the experience that little bit easier. I don't know what i would've done without...

- Yvette
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10 ways integrative medicine can reduce cancer treatment side effects

MIOG offers evidence-based Complementary Medicines to patients with cancer: before, during and after medical treatment. MIOG staff are not Medical Oncologists. MIOG recommends that patients with cancer consult a Medical Oncologist for appropriate support.